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Saturday, November 8, 2014

a little snack...

Yesterday I realized I needed to cook something with the potatoes that have been in my pantry for awhile...but, Friday is a "no cook" day for me, soooooooo, I MADE CHIPS!  

I typically don't buy chips from the store but, when I need to use up some potatoes, we get a special treat!!


Potatoes, scrubbed well (however many you want to use up.  Just a few potatoes will make quite a few chips!)
Oil for frying (I use either Vegetable or Peanut oil)
Fine Salt

Heat a few inches of oil in a deep pan/pot (I use my wok pan!) over Medium-High heat.

While the oil is heating, use a mandolin to slice the potatoes VERY, VERY thin!  I leave the skin on--no need to peel them!  (Beeeee careful, that blade is SUPER sharp!  My finger is in a band-aid today!!  Ouch!  Tip: Use that little thing that comes with the mandolin to hold the potato when you start getting to the end!!

To check the oil temperature, put one slice of potato in there.  It typically takes 4-5 minutes to cook a batch of chips when the oil is at the right temperature.  You may have to do the "single slice" test a few times to get the temperature right.

After getting the oil to the correct temperature, put about 25 slices in.  (Don't overcrowd)  Tip!  It's better to separate the slices as you put them in or you'll have a big clump of potatoes in the oil that are very hard to separate!!  

Set your timer for 4 minutes.  Turn the chips every so often so they cook evenly.  We like them a bit more brown so I typically go about 5 minutes and then start to pull them out.
Use a flat strainer (like in the first picture) to remove the chips from the oil, let them drain a few seconds on the side of the pan/pot before moving them to a paper towel lined baking sheet to drain/cool.

I scatter them on the baking sheet and sprinkle salt on them while the next batch is frying, then when it's time to pull the batch out of the oil, I lift up the paper towel and move the cooling ones off to the side to make room for the new batch (like the 2nd picture).

Sprinkle the chips with salt, and that's it!  SUPER SIMPLE, HUH!!  Continue with the rest of the sliced potatoes.  I think I did 5 or 6 batches yesterday and had to move them to a bowl to make room for more on the baking sheet!

After they are completely cooled, put them into a zip lock bag to store.  Trust me--You won't need to store them for very long!!!


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