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Thursday, October 30, 2014

GARLIC LOVERS, this is for you!

Roasted Garlic is VERY popular at my house!  I love to use it in my recipes-- meatballs, tomato sauce, pesto, hummus, etc.  And, I ALWAYS make extra to spread on bread (or sometimes we just pop out the cloves and eat them!  Don't knock it until you try it!).  

Garlic loses it's pungent raw taste and turns buttery when it's roasted.  Be careful though, you'll still get garlic breath!!  

Roasted Garlic

6 (or more!) heads of garlic (you can refrigerate any extra!! so make A LOT!)
olive oil
freshly ground black pepper

Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees.

Remove some of the skin on the garlic--leave enough to hold the garlic together.

Cut off the top (not the brown stem part) of each head of garlic. 

Put each individual garlic head on top of a piece of foil.

Drizzle generously with olive oil.

Salt and pepper each garlic head.

Twist up the foil on top.

Put all of your foil wrapped garlic heads on a baking sheet.

Bake about 45 min to an hour.
(garlic will be browned and VERY, VERY SOFT when it's done)

The cloves will pop out of the top when you gently squeeze the bottom of each head.

Put any unused roasted garlic into a plastic bag and store in the refrigerator.

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