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Thursday, December 18, 2014

Cranberry Sauce for your Holiday Turkey!

                                                                     everything "p"

Homemade Cranberry Sauce is SIMPLE to make, and tastes SO good!  

There are Cranberry Sauce recipes that have many ingredients and multiple steps but, this one is as easy as "opening up a can"!

So, skip the can and make it FRESH!  


12 oz. bag fresh cranberries
1 cup sugar
1 strip zest from and Orange or Lemon (I used Lemon)
2 tbsp. water or juice  (I juiced a few cuties!)
salt & pepper (yes, pepper!!) to taste

Empty bag of cranberries into a saucepan.  (If you like whole berries in your sauce, remove about 1/2 a cup of berries to add back at the end.)

Add sugar, zest and liquid to the pan and cook over low heat until the sugar dissolves and the cranberries are soft, about 10 minutes.

Increase the heat to medium and cook until the cranberries burst, then reduce the heat to low and stir in the reserved berries and cook only for a few minutes.

Add salt and pepper.  Taste and then add additional sugar, if necessary (I added an additional tbsp.)

Cool to room temperature.  Serve.  

Store in refrigerator.


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