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Thursday, April 9, 2015

simple flour less pancakes!

                                             photo by everything "p"

What do you do when you have LOTS of eggs to use up?

Make pancakes!  

These aren't your usual pancakes, they are flour free and sugar free!  Well, until you put Real Maple Syrup on them!  So, keep in mind--they're NOT sweet!  

Next time, I'm mixing in some fresh blueberries! 

We LOVE these protein packed pancakes!!  

Ricotta Oatmeal Pancakes (about 12, depending on size)


2 cups old fashioned Oatmeal
6 Eggs (I used 7 yesterday--just couldn't leave that last one in the carton!)
15 oz. container of Part Skim Ricotta Cheese (or same amount of Cottage Cheese)
2 tsp. Real Vanilla Extract
1 tsp. baking powder


Put all ingredients into your blender and pulse multiple times until pancake batter is smooth.

I cook mine on a non-stick griddle over medium heat.  Flip when bubbly and edges look dry.


Friday, April 3, 2015

Chicken Kabobs (it's all about the Marinade!)

                                                      photo by everything "p"

I LOVE this chicken marinade recipe! 

I have been using it for years and years.  Every time I try a new recipe and am disappointed, I tell myself to just stick with the one I love!!

Don't use that bottled dressing that is full of chemicals for your marinade! Use fresh ingredients! It only takes a few minutes to throw this together!
Trust me, you'll be using this for your kabobs all summer long!

Chicken Kabobs


1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil (with a light taste!)
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup honey
2 tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice (no bottled juice!!)
1 tsp. freshly grated lemon peel
2-3 cloves of garlic minced
1 tsp. finely chopped fresh parsley (or dried works fine)

1 1/2--2 lbs. chicken breasts, cut into cubes

and your favorite kabob veggies!
--baby potatoes (pre-cooked!)
--sweet onions
--peppers; red, yellow, green
--summer squash
--pearl onions


In a large bowl with a lid, combine marinade ingredients.  Stir.

Add cubed chicken to bowl of marinade, cover, shake to coat chicken.

Refrigerate about 6 hours, shaking the bowl from time to time.  (I get the chicken in the marinade in the morning and then make the skewers at dinner time.)

Slide cubed chicken onto skewers (I use metal ones) alternating with vegetables.  

Spoon 1/2 of the marinade that is left in the bowl over the chicken pieces on the skewers.  Save remaining marinade!

Place skewers on a baking sheet (sprayed with non-stick spray) and put under the broiler (about 12" from coils) for 7 minutes.

Turn kabobs over, spoon remaining marinade over chicken pieces, cook another 7 minutes.

(you can cook on grill or over charcoal for same amount of time.)

Let kabobs stand for a few minutes (5) before serving!
